Tuesday, August 6, 2013

These are the models I intend to build next.  The kits are still collecting dust, but I'll get to them, one model at a time.

Semroc Orbital Transport : I had one of these kits as a kid, I intended to build it after I completed the Andromeda, but of course that took me 35 years to complete.  The original Estes kit is somewhere in my Dad's basement, but I can't find it to save my life. So I bought the Semroc clone kit. I'm going to put an altimeter in the main booster and the glider.

DynaStar Lexxjet:  I just like the looks of this design, and it uses big, powerful composite motors!

Estes EPM-010: I just like the design of this rocket - the forward swept fins with the pods, and the hot red racing design. It already has a payload section too!

Estes Der Red Max: It's about time I made and flew one of these classic kits. I've seen them fly, and they fly well. My Estes kit comes with a black jolly-roger parachute!

Quest Navajo AGM: I always liked guided missile designs, and this has two stages!

Quest Lil' Grunt: The USA's answer to the Red Max, this uses big D motors and should really fly high!

New Way Space Models N-20 Demon: I could use another square rocket.  I may also turn this payloader into a camera carrier. It has a strong body tube and it is D-powered. The flat sides should make it easier to install a glass window for the camera, like I did with my C-Thru from New Way.

Estes Space Eagle:  Not sure why I bought this, I suppose mostly because it has a payload section in it and I didn't want to leave the hobby store without buying something.

Quest Zenith II:  Another hobby store purchase. After having built a few Quest kits, I thought it would be a decent flyer. Also, it has a payload section already, and it is a two stage model - should be fun.

Quest Space Shuttle Intrepid (less the glider): I got a whole collection of rockets at a great price on eBay (Comanche 3, Striker AGM, Black Diamond, Gamma-Ray, X-15). I have built them all by now except for this one, which for some odd reason all the parts for the glider are missing. I guess somebody lost their glider and wanted to build a new one. I will build the booster anyway, but I need to do something to jazz it up a bit - maybe tube pods and a snappy paint scheme?  I suppose I could craft some kind of glider if I really felt the desire.

Estes Andromeda: I have a second kit from the 1970's because my brother got me one for Christmas, not knowing I had one already. I'll build this one too, but I need to make it different some how. I was thinking making this one pure white, but I'll need to do something about the white decals which won't show up.  Maybe I can go light gray, or paint black or gray squares behind the white decal locations, or maybe hand-paint some of the white stuff. Plenty of time to figure that one out.

Fliskits Borealis: I have to say most of the Fliskits just look a little to odd and quirky to me, but this design blew me away, and I had to buy it right away out of fear that it would be discontinued somehow. I'm going to have to use metalic paints on this dog.  I appreciate that it is one of the more powerful Fliskits out there, they make a lot of low-power stuff.

Estes Mega Mosquito: Well, my original Mosquito is too small to launch because I can never find it, so I had to do something, and this upscale may be the answer. This is another big D-powered model, so I should have alot of fun with it.

Estes Mosquito (just because it came free with the Mega Mosquito): I suppose I will build another one of these, since it was free. I'll have to paint it bright silver or red or orange or something, or perhaps convert it to something larger?  Maybe I can get the Mega Mosquito to launch this one from it's nose.

Estes Mini Honest John: This should make a fun little sport rocket. I might go with the black-white paint scheme shown in some older Estes catalogs. It would look more "Nike-X-like".

Estes Nova Payloader:  What can I say, it's another payloader. I like the red/white colors and the fin shape.

Estes Hornet:  I don't know why I bought this, but it should be a simple, light and fast high-flier. Sometimes I just don't want any frills.

Estes Patriot M104: Another scale model. I suppose the colors appeal to me. Also appealing, the wide body tube will make it easy to stuff a 'chute in there.  The really small tubes frustrate me.

Estes Payloader II: Just like the Nova Payloader, I like the bold fin shape, the red/white colors, and it has a payload in it already.

Estes Photon Disruptor: Funky design, with the T-shaped fins and narrow motor tube.

Estes Solar Flare: Two stages - with a payload to boot.  I like how the 2nd stage is almost hidden in the design. Maybe I can fool somebody at the club launch. I like that it uses an economical 13mm motor for the upper stage, so I shouldn't worry about this going too, too far up.

Estes Solar Warrior: Not sure what it was about this kit, maybe the metalic-looking blue nose. I built my Ricochet  with metalic blue paint, and it still looks awesome. The small T-tops to the fins and the secondary fins were design elements that caught my eye.  There should be plenty of payload space for an altimeter in there too.

Estes Semi-Scale V2: OK, I know in many ways the V2 (or A2) started a lot of this rocket stuff, but I never liked this rocket because of how it was used. I may paint it just like suggested with the black & yellow checkers, or maybe something totally outlandish, perhaps 1950's futuristic, but I certianly will not paint it to look like the regular German-issued weapon.  Besides, shouldn't I be making a model of Robert Goddards liquid-fueled rockets instead?

If you want to ask why I have all these rocket kits que'd up, it's because I got a great deal (typically 40%)ordering in quantity from AC supply (minumum $100), and paid no shipping charges.  Some of them I got because I have a sick personal goal to have at least one rocket from each page of the Estes catalog (currently working with 2010,11 and 2012).

I figure it will take me at least three years to get all of these models built, maybe five years. It may take another year or two to have them all test flown.

As for some of the other models, like Quest, DynaStar, New Way, Semroc and Fliskits, I just like those models!

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